Calcium In the diet

Be aware Of Calcium


If your piggies are displaying signs of having too much calcium in their diets, then limit the high calcium foods to just once or twice a week max.


Calcium is a critical mineral for guinea pigs for several bodily functions including to  produce strong teeth and bones, maintain a strong heart and for blood clotting. However too much Calcium can lead to bladder and kidney stones.

Signs of too much Calcium in your guinea pigs diet can include.

  • Blood in the urine,
  • Sludge or white gritting substance on bedding.
  • Squeaking when weeing,
  • Not being able to urinate or having difficulty when urinating,
  • Change in your Guinea Pigs  personality
  • Sitting hunched or quietly in a corner
  • Falling out with cage mates



Calcium in Veggies


Owners of guinea pigs with bladder issues or similar health concerns, in particular, may also want to consider "low calcium diets" where they keep an eye on the Calcium:Phosphorus ratio. it is important to also

consider phosphorus when keeping an eye on calcium since those two work well together.

All in all, the ratio Calcium:Phosphorus should be around 1.5:1.

You do not need to get the ratio perfect - as long as it is

somewhere within the range of 1.3:1 to 1.6:1, and you are feeding a good variety in moderation. I personally find it a minefield and very complicated

   However, there is a very good website That can help you with this;




Changing your guinea pig’s diet can sometimes help your guinea pig. If your Guinea pig is prone to Bladder stones, your vets may suggest you change to a low Calcium diet for your guinea pig.


High Calcium


Vegetables which are high in Calcium include









Do not eliminate these completely from the diet, but instead, only give them once or twice a week to reduce the intake of these veggies.


Low Calcium




Carrots and


Loose leaf Lettuce

Green beans and many more



Bladder stones


Bladder stones, also known as Uroliths, are a common condition in guinea pigs and can be caused by too much calcium in the diet as well as genetics.

Bladder stones are mineralized masses that form in the bladder and can be extremely painful. If you suspect that your guinea pig has this problem, you should seek out a good vet immediately.  With the correct vet, the vet can operate, and your guinea pig can make a full recovery. although it is a risky operation for your pet. 



Bladder sludge is urine that has thickened with the presence of large amounts of calcium.  Sludge can be white or cream in colour and looks like toothpaste-like in consistency. Hard to spot in a wood shaving hutch but can easily be seen on fleeces and fleece beds.




Top Water

 Research has shown that if you live in a hard water area, giving your guinea pig bottled water, which has less calcium, to drink is better than giving them tap water.

We recently became aware that water filters do not remove the calcium found in hard water areas, so if your piggie is prone to stones this could be something to consider. 




If you feed your Guinea pigs Alfalfa hay, switch to Timothy Or Meadow hay instead. 


Alfalfa Hay is very rich in Calcium and is better only given as a supplement to Pregnant sows or young Guinea Pigs under 6 months of age. Alfalfa hay should not be given to guinea pigs over 6 months as it can cause bladder sludge and bladder stones. 

A good quality Hay is green in colour and smells fresh and not damp. Cheap bitty brown hay is not advised as all the nutritional value would have disappeared. 




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